Rally the Con: Second Wind Post-Cosplay Chic

Rally the Con: Second Wind Post-Cosplay Chic

written by Mélanie Hunsucker

Sometimes at a convention outfits don’t work out as planned. My cosplay caused me to have a major migraine, so what was I to do? I had to rally! Even though my head was pounding I pulled together a casual, quick, comfy, but nerdy outfit. I paired a pair of my borderlands legging, with a simple black crop. The leggings just so happen to match my hair color and the color of Eridium (from my vault hunting days.) Then I threw on a pair studded calf boots, and some dark shades to complete the look.

praise the Gods of comfortable chic

praise the Gods of comfortable chic

up close on the leggings

up close on the leggings

swagger for days!

swagger for days!


TOP: from a cute little boutique in Maui
BOOTS: from Shoedazzle
LEGGINGS: Made by the Deela Designs (run by Melanie Hunsucker)
SUNGLASSES: from Urban Planet

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