Rally the Con: Second Wind Post-Cosplay Chic
written by Mélanie Hunsucker
Sometimes at a convention outfits don’t work out as planned. My cosplay caused me to have a major migraine, so what was I to do? I had to rally! Even though my head was pounding I pulled together a casual, quick, comfy, but nerdy outfit. I paired a pair of my borderlands legging, with a simple black crop. The leggings just so happen to match my hair color and the color of Eridium (from my vault hunting days.) Then I threw on a pair studded calf boots, and some dark shades to complete the look.
praise the Gods of comfortable chic
up close on the leggings
swagger for days!
TOP: from a cute little boutique in Maui
BOOTS: from Shoedazzle
LEGGINGS: Made by the Deela Designs (run by Melanie Hunsucker)
SUNGLASSES: from Urban Planet