Why I Started Streaming

Why I Started Streaming

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, gaming and Twitch streaming have become an increasingly important source of entertainment and connection for gamers and streamers alike. Whether you’re a viewer or a streamer, the Twitch platform has been a safe haven for those looking for a way to pass the time and stay connected during this time of social distancing. With the help of Twitch streaming, gamers and streamers have been able to come together to create an amazing community of passionate gamers and streamers who are passionate about the games they play and the content they create. This was one of the reasons I started streaming.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought with it a number of anxiety-filled days of social distancing and worry. It's difficult to feel connected with the outer world and there is a greater risk of depression. Twitch streaming is a popular activity on the internet where people stream their gaming activities and connect with people from all over the world. It's become increasingly popular during the pandemic as a way to find community and connection.

I was looking for a way to alleviate anxiety and stress, as well as provide entertainment. Becoming serious about streaming allowed me to engage in activities, share tips and tricks, and just hang out with new and old friends. I’ve even been able to build a strong and thriving community on Twitch.

2020 was a tough year for all of us; especially for gamers, who were unable to gather in their communities to play their favorite games. Lockdown has transformed gaming as we know it and exaggerated existing issues like depression and anxiety. Two years later and that sentiment is no different. This month will mark two years since I started this journey.

Although it’s important to remember that gaming should not be seen as an escape from depression and anxiety, but rather as a coping mechanism and an avenue to vent our feelings and get emotional support from others. That is one major part of really becoming a Twitch Streamer that has resonated with me. The emotional support I find in faceless usernames, or friends who I have never met but would literally punch a zombie for.

I did have to be mindful of my emotional and physical health. Monitor your playing time, take regular breaks and practice self-care. Staying connected with friends and family and seek medical help if you feel like you’re struggling too much. Remember, we are all in this together. At least through Twitch I found a community that helped maintain my sanity. If you ever get the chance to come around and say hi, please check me out at twitch.tv/LFTDPrince

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Love (for Anime) in the time of Covid: Sakura Con 2022