cos(WED): Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7 Crisis Core) by Yu Kisaragi

cos(WED): Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7 Crisis Core) by Yu Kisaragi

Prepared by Riri (@lillyums)

This week's Cosplay Wednesday post features a Brazilian cosplayer who goes by Yu Kisaragi, just like the cosplay she is introducing, Yuffie Kisaragi! While a rebellious and cocky tomboy, she is also cheerful and extremely helpful and is never short on spunk.  She loves her homeland, Wutai, and wants it restored to the glorious nation is was before Shinra took over. Our cosplayer, Yu Kisaragi, shows us how she becomes the Crisis Core Yuffie in these photos! Check it out.

Cosplayer: Yu Kisaragi (Facebook, DA, WC)
Cosplay: Yuffie Kisaragi
Series: Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core

1. How long have you been cosplaying?
I've been a cosplayer since 2007.

2. Why did you choose to cosplay this character?
Yuffie has a big influence in my life. 
I knew the game when I was around my 10 years old, and fell in love with him. 
Yuffie was the character that I identified with, but in a different way. She had all the personality traits that I wanted, but she was ashamed. 
I used the cosplay as a way to try to be less shy and started being more myself.

3. How long did it take you to complete?
It must have taken around about 3 months to complete it. For I relied heavily on help from others.

4. Any difficulties when constructing the costume?
I think the biggest problem was to create a shuriken that can dismount, so that I could take it easier for conventions.

5. What do you love most about cosplaying this character?
When I'm Yuffie, I act like myself. The fact that the character has very high confidence, it can help me do the same to myself.

6. Where did you debut this costume? If you haven't... where do you plan to debut?
I debuted it at a convention called Anime Tsubasa in 2012 ( Brazil )

7. What's next? Cosplay related of course...
Yuffie Kisaragi in the version from Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus.

We certainly are looking forward to seeing the Dirge of Cerberus version of Yuffie! I love that version, especially that cloak she wears ^^

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