cos(WED): Lady Sif by Abi Sue Cosplay

cos(WED): Lady Sif by Abi Sue Cosplay


Written by Riri (@lillyums)

Welcome to Cosplay Wednesday!  This week we have a local Seattle cosplay, Abi Sue Cosplay, here to show us her Lady Sif cosplay.  This is one of my most favorite cosplays of hers because of the small amazing details she put into this armor. Lady Sif is the shield maiden of Asgard and lover of Thor. She is pretty powerful, with superhuman strength greater than the average Asgardian female and on par with the average male. Not just strength, but speed, agility, stamina, long life... she's pretty bad ass!  She's a proud Asgardian and fights alongside Thor and the Warriors Three. We can see why Abi would pick her! Check out how she cosplayed Lady Sif.

Cosplayer: Abi Sue Cosplay (FB)
Cosplay: Lady Sif
Series: Thor: Dark World
Photographer: Luna Anne (website)

1.     How long have you been cosplaying?
I have been cosplaying for about 6 years now

2.     Why did you choose this cosplay?
I really love the Thor movies and how Lady Sif holds her own as a strong female warrior in them.

3.     How long did it take to complete?
About 3 months I think.

4.     What was the hardest part when constructing it?
Most of it! A lot of tedious chainmail, first time working with it. Trying to get all the armor pieces to attach to me and stay on, that was fun too.

5.     What do you love most about this cosplay?
I love all the techniques that went into this project! I worked with leather, chainmail and worbla. I created everything myself except the sword! My favorite piece I think is the shield.

6.     Are you debuting this at a convention?
If you already have, which convention? I debuted this at ECCC 2015 this year, got runner up in the costume contest. I also won third in the Pink Party Prime contest recently at Pax Prime 2015.

7.     What's your next cosplay project?
I’m finishing up Merida from Brave, going to learn how to make weapons this time as I’m going to make her bow!

Awesome work, Abi! We look forward to seeing more of your work!

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