iZombie "Brother, Can You Spare A Brain?" & "The Exterminator" (DOUBLE REVIEW)
written by Justin Prince (@prince_justin)
Got a bit backed up the past couple weeks, what with covering ECCC and Sakura Con I fell a bit behind on my reviews! So with that, here's a double review of the last couple episodes of iZombie. After the surprisingly entertaining pilot episode, Olivia Moore has come to accept the role she's been blessed/cursed with... though she's a zombie, she can use her unique abilities to help people. These two episodes see familiar faces from Liv's pre-zombie days... one is Blaine, the drugged out deadhead who scratched Liv and made her what she is today... the other was her friend from the pilot episode who talked her into going to that dreaded boat party in the first place. But let's get on with the review.
Blaine, the reason she's a zombie...
an unfortunate friend who met a similar fate...
Bother episode felt like they flowed well together, in the second episode; Liv and Babineux investigate the murder of a well known artist in Seattle while the third episode has the duo investigating the murder of a sociopathic hit-man taken out in a hit-and-run incident. Since Liv's unique ability allows her to take on characteristics of the brains she eats... her behavior while under the influence of the artists brain contrast greatly with that of the hit-man.
While the case is the driving narrative of the episode, what truly sits up front is the soul-searching Liv experiences while under the influence of the brains she eats. While the artist gives Liv a deeper appreciation of all things that hold beauty in the world, the hit-man leaves Liv callous and uncaring... especially when forced with the decision of what to do with her now zombified former friend.
investigating the murder of an artist
I've come to enjoy Liv's journey, while both episodes her entertaining, nothing really sticks out as memorable. While the inclusion of Blaine mixes up the story a bit, it still primarily sits on Liv to be the driving force... and though I do love seeing her on screen, I'd have liked there to be more focus on Team Zombie... primarily Babineux and Ravi. We've seen them work with Liv, but we don't really know much about them.
In the third episode of the season, Peyton (Liv's roommate), gets a considerable amount of screen time. But I just wished that some of that character developing mojo could have been directed to the rest of Team Zombie.
scary hole in an abandoned yard? sure let's go in
The next episode is already airing now... so I should get that up soon... till then, keep it frosty.