iZombie "Live and Let Clive" (REVIEW)
written by Justin Prince (@prince_justin)
Big trouble in little China town on the latest iZombie. The plot thickens over at team undead as Liv makes a late night snack from a dead Triad, but to make matters worse... Liv catches a glimpse of Clive Banineux... her partner in zombie justice (who for the record still thinks she's simply psychic)... beating a Triad mobster for being a snitch. Is Babineux less the hero Liv thinks he is?
To make matters worse, Liv is forced to deal with the love of her life moving on. After a super awkward run in with Major's new lady, Liv begins plotting ways to keep this girl from moving in... primarily this involves Liv trying to convince Ravi to move in with major... acting as a roadblock between Major and this new chick.
Liv's "socially awkward penguin" moment...
Back on the beat, Liv's investigation leads her to the underbelly of Seattle's International District. Still shaken from her vision, she refuses to confide in Babineux and instead goes solo (with some assistance from Ravi) to investigate the Blue Cobras.
The crime felt fairly cookie cutter this time around, and unlike previous episodes that held a strong sense of intrigue, the mystery of Clive Babineux's true nature never really felt like it took front and center. The "find-the-bad-guys-that-killed-a-bad-guy" trope never felt that exciting, and aside from Liv kicking serious ass after her latest midnight snack made her learn kung fu... the episode felt lacking in the crime-drama department.
hunting down Triad's in Chinatown... great idea Liv *sarcasm*
Where it does excel is the cast of tertiary characters. Major and Liv confronting that super awkward part of her past to Blaine being a certifiable douche stood front and center in an episode that would have been lacking otherwise. The strength of the series has sat with the cast, and though previous episodes held exciting mysteries... the fact that even a lackluster investigation could still produce an entertaining hour of television has much to say about the type of people that surround Liv.
I still have high hopes for this series, here's hoping Liv can build on her Super Zombie rep while addressing the personal problems in her post-mortem state.