top(COS): PAX Prime 2014

top(COS): PAX Prime 2014

Written by Riri (@lillyums)

Cosplay hadn't played that prominent of a role at PAX Prime in the past, but over the years the cosplay culture started to evolve.  We especially saw many cosplays from the hugely popular MOBA such as League of Legends, but also cosplays from Bioshock, World of Warcraft, Borderlands, and many others.  For the first time at PAX, we had a "Cospitality Lounge," started by Riot Games (League of Legends), where cosplayers went to take some photos and relax and socialize. Additionally, booths such as Corsair were having cosplay contests on site, and there were more offsite cosplay contests as well beginning to spotlight cosplayers.  With all that being said, the cosplay culture will definitely continue to evolve and I'm positive we will be seeing a lot more cosplays next year! 

Like other conventions we attend, we always spotlight our favorite cosplayers and pick the top cosplay of the convention. Here are our top ten picks below!

10. Luigi and the Death Stare

Who doesn't love Death Stare Luigi? This Luigi cosplayer was literally on a moving cart driving around wherever he could, and flashing that death stare.  This was pretty humorous; he stayed in character the whole time!  If you don't understand this reference, you'll have to do a search for "Luigi Death Stare" on the YouTube. 

9. Gurren Lagann Gunman

Who says we can't have a mecha (from an anime) at a gaming convention?? This is a type of gunman/mecha from the anime series Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. The work put into this cosplay is quite impressive and I couldn't help but include him in our top 10.

8. Little Aurora, Child of Light 

YES! The cutest little Aurora cosplay at PAX! I loved the game myself too, that and nothing could ever go wrong for a child to cosplay Aurora.

7. Don't Starve 

This is one of my all time favorite games, and it's the first time I have ever seen cosplays from Don't Starve.  We have Woodie (top), Wendy (left), and Wickerbottom (right); Wickerbottom is my favorite character to play in the game too! It was great seeing these cosplayers at the Klei Ent booth!

6. Arcade Miss Fortune, League of Legends

Here we go with our League of Legends cosplays! While I am not a League player, I certainly always admire all the cosplays from the game.  I love this Arcade Miss Fortune cosplay; it's so geeky and she did an amazing job on it!

5. Rook, Strife

Strife is a new MOBA game currently in beta mode - and we already have a cosplayer from the game! That's pretty fast! Rook is considered Strife's attack damage hero. Additionally, it's nice to see some male cosplayers in the mix! 

4. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft cosplays are a lot of work, just like our League cosplays are. I loved this cosplay because of the detailing in the prop and in the armor. The level of skill to make these is beyond me.

3. Jinx, League of Legends

We often do see a lot of Jinx cosplays at conventions, but this Jinx has some pretty fantastic prop making skills - she has like every weapon in her abilities list (ok almost)! I have to say this is my most favorite Jinx cosplay to date.

2. Gender Bent Braum, League of Legends

I swear this is the last League of Legends cosplay in my top 10.  There were so many; they outnumber all the other gaming cosplays! What I love about this is not only did she gender bend (+mustache) this pretty damn well, I am impressed with that gigantic prop she had to carry around.  I wonder if it was very heavy?? Must have been a pain to get around the convention with!

AND NOW OUR TOP COSPLAY OF PAX PRIME 2014 IS...................................

1. Rose, Legend of Dragoon

This Legend of Dragoon cosplay is incredibly detailed, especially the gradient done to achieve the colors on those wings.  It's almost as if it really does glow!  Especially the red resin (or something) on the shoulder armor pieces really stand out. The Legend of Dragoon was an RPG from way back during the Playstation era; I always enjoy seeing cosplays from old games come to life. 

We had taken over 500 photos of cosplayers this year at PAX Prime and that was way more than what I've seen last year. I look forward to seeing next year's cosplay and we could not have done this without  See you next year, g33ks!

cos(WED): The Little Mermaid by Mimi Reaves

cos(WED): The Little Mermaid by Mimi Reaves

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