Supernatural: Season 10 Episode 1 "Black" (REVIEW)
written by Justin Prince (@prince_justin)
Hello boys... After the twists and turns, the surprises and hilarity of last season, Supernatural is back! So a little recap (beware, spoilers), after Dean takes on the Mark of Cain all for the sake of slaying Abaddon... the mark and Dean's use of the First Blade has begun to change him. During the finale of season 9, Dean dies (yes again) and before Supernatural closes on season 9... Dean opens his eyes to reveal black demon eyes (what a twist!).
Season 10 opens with Sam desperately looking for his brother and Demon Dean living it up gallivanting around with his new buddy Crowley. After Sam is tipped off at an investigation, showing Dean alive and well slaying a demon via a CCTV camera, he begins his search for his brother and Crowley... in effect believing Crowley had placed a Demon in Dean's "meat suit."
On the more angelic side of things, Castiel is looking worse for wear... the stolen grace effectively killing him slowly. Cas joins up with angel gal-pal Hannah in search of other angels from the fall who refuse to come back to heaven in the wake of Metatron's uprising.
pensively searching...
It's nice to see the boys back again! The first episode of season 10 felt more so serious than the SPN I look forward to. I felt it was a good mix of character development and story, but felt it lacked the trademark humor that makes Supernatural such a unique show in the first place, I felt they at least tried... having Dean sing karaoke badly while Crowley has to just hang back and play wingman and Dean calling Crowley a "bitch."
Dean... Demon Dean... Dean-Mon...
Now serious isn't a bad thing, and in the wake of the way season 9 ended I'm sure it'll be a few more episodes until the comedy is peppered in again. Castiel felt rarely utilized in this episode and a part of me wished they had Cas rather join Sam in his search for Dean than to branch off into his own "saving Heaven" story arc with Hannah.
Overall it was a good start to what has become one of my favorite shows in recent years! I wasn't on board since the beginning but after I went to the SDCC panel back in 2012, I wanted to see what this Supernatural thing was all about... I powered through seven season in the span of a Summer... right in time to watch season 8.