Cosplay in Vancouver: AniRevo style
written by Justin Prince (@prince_justin)
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been to Vancouver B.C. so this trip was long overdue. Anime Revolution 2013, the second year for this brand new con (hence forth referred to as AniRevo) built on what was once Anime Evolution. Going to cons all over the US from gaming cons to comic cons, the one thing I love about the anime cons is the sheer number of cosplayers. This con is no different with many amazing costumes and some truly jaw dropping sights.
Most of our time was spent prowling the halls and taking photos of the many costumed denizens of this convention. A few were super memorable and those are the ones I am showcasing in this handy gallery below. Would you like to see more photos from our weekend? Make sure to visit our Facebook page (like us if you haven’t yet) and check out the full gallery.
In true Justin Prince fashion, whenever I write a cosplay piece I pick my favorite of the con and this particular post is no different. I met this amazing cosplayer named Taline and her costume (Shana from Legend of Dragoon) was particularly memorable for me. I was a huge fan of the Sony produced RPG from the heyday of PSOne and the RPG boom in the North American market (sprung on by the popularity of the Final Fantasy franchise after VII). Seeing Taline in her costume brought back some very fond memories, I was almost brought to tear remembering such an amazing game that holds a special place in my geeky little heart. Hard to believe it was almost 14 years ago that I played this game, damn I'm old.
Absolutely stunning! It's hard to say anything more, she looked beautiful as Shana. Make sure to check her out on DeviantArt, username: Yunalescka
photo taken by Happysqueak photo