... courtesy of good ol MTV...
All tagged iron man
... courtesy of good ol MTV...
Hot on the heels of Marvel announcing that the new Thor will be a woman, two more big announcements in the Marvel comics universe hit today...
Can you imagine drinking coffee out of a disposable cup with some beautiful art on the side? I don't think I'd want to throw my cup away ever! Artist Miguel Cardona decorates coffee cups with beautiful drawings of fictional characters.
We've seen the Iron Bat. We've seen the Iron Link. It's no surprise we would see the Iron ... Lightyear. Or Buzz Man. Whatever, it's awesome.
We've all seen plenty of amazing Iron Man cosplay, but this guy went above and beyond. AnselmoFanZero from Laser Gadgets built in a laser into the Iron Man arm gauntlet. It can shoot a laser! And pop balloons.
Kode Logic from Australia created a series of Iron Man mash ups with a bunch of characters from other games and movies. He named this project Iron MaSH!