New Batman Arkham Knight Trailer "Officer Down"

As a die hard fan of the Batman Arkham series since the very first outing in Arkham Asylum, the follow-up to Batman Arkham City is a mere three month away, but these next three months feel like the hardest to endure... and the folks over at WB Games and Rocksteady aren't making it any easier by releasing a 7+ minute new trailer with an extensive look at gameplay and nice little slice of the game's narrative.

I'm glad to see the core gameplay hasn't changed much in the jump to next gen and even appears to be improved, multi stealth takedowns and even what looks like turning an enemy's weapon (for example a bat) against them for more than just a one trick counter.

It's certifiable how hyped I am and after replaying through the previous two games... and even Batman Arkham Origins (which I still say doesn't belong in this universe) I'm ready for another chance to be the bat.

Batman Arkham Knight drops June 23rd, 2015.

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