The first day of Seattle's premiere comic convention...
Featuring Ririn Doll in all her Lolita fashion splendor, we attended this amazingly cute Fashion show...
This was a bit unexpected, didn't think this event would be as entertaining as I thought it would be...
Day One of Anime Revolution! The premier Anime Convention in beautiful Vancouver BC!
The Otakon 2014 Masquerade was broken up into the following: Hall cosplay contestants, cosplay skits, talent show/cosplay skit/hall cosplay winners.
The last day at Otakon was fairly slow and not nearly as many cosplays as the other days.
Check out the high res cosplay photos of Day 2 at Otakon 2014.
Here are all the high res Day 1 cosplay photos from Otakon 2014.
Here it is! The biggest day and hands down our largest cosplay related SDCC 2014 album...
Day two starts on a high note, I tried to snap as much as possible but the day was spent mostly...
While PRINCE couldn't make it this year, instead Omar Castillon (a guy Justin Prince met at SGC last year an inevitably recruited into LG)...
Anime Expo 2014 was another big year, and LG sent down our very own Kaze~ backed up by LFTDFriend and cosplay darling, Melon...
The continuation from our coverage at GAMCON 2014. Here is LG's other shooter for the weekend, the amazing Benito Vasquez...
Though Luis couldn't make it to Everfree's first day this year, he more than made up for it with his stellar coverage starting the second day...