Be Someone's Hero
written by Jerica Truax (@JerikandraLurve)
Cosplay continues to grow in popularity but it's not just for conventions anymore. There are non-profit organizations popping up all over that involve volunteering en-costume. Comic Book Characters for Causes (CBCC) is one of these organizations in the Seattle area.
via the CBCC Facebook page
Throughout the year, CBCC can be found visiting children at Seattle Children's Hospital or at Ronald McDonald House, collecting school supplies or canned food outside of a local Fred Meyer, visiting Camp GoodTimes, a camp for kids with cancer, and supporting other local charity events with a superhero presence. Their facebook page can often be found informing users of how they can help these charities, encouraging them to "Be Someone's Hero".
However, one of their biggest events is setting up a 'cosplay photobooth' at Emerald City Comicon where con-goers can get their pictures taken with their favorite superheros by giving donations to the supported charity of that year. This year, for Emerald City Comicon 2015, CBCC is collecting funds for Camp Goodtimes (backed by The GoodTimes Project).
Camp Goodtimes is a special summer camp put on by volunteers that includes a no-cost pediatric oncology camp for patients, survivors and siblings affected by cancer. They welcome campers from western Washington and Alaska, ages 7 to 17, for two separate weeks of residential overnight summer camps on Vashon Island. They also offer a week-long kayak trip for young adult survivors in the San Juan Islands. Each year they serve approximately 225 children and 15 young adults. A dedicated staff of over 200 volunteers and three employees support all three programs.
So this year, don't forget to find Comic Book Characters for Causes at Emerald City Comicon and get your picture taken with awesome superheros to support an amazing cause! And if you can't make it to the con but still want to help, you can always donate or get more information about volunteering by checking out The GoodTimes Project at their website: .
Be Someone's Hero indeed!