The Flash "Out of Time" (REVIEW)
written by Justin Prince (@prince_justin)
The Flash is back and in one of my most anticipated episodes since the mid-season finale, everything is coming up lightning bolts. A new threat joins the CW-verse rogues of Central City with the "proper" Weather Wizard... aka Mark Mardon... front and center, and he's got a bone to pick with the cop who killed his brother. If you remember in the pilot episode, Clyde Mardon exhibited powers reminiscent of his brother's comic counterpart. After unsuccessfully attempting to level Central City with Tornado, Clyde Mardon meets his end at the barrel of Joe's gun.
Following in the footsteps of other Spartacus alums Manu Bennet (Slade Wilson/Deathstroke), Cynthia Addai-Robinson (Amanda Waller), Katrina Law (Nyssa al Ghul), and Nick E. Tarabay (Digger Harkness/Captain Boomerang), Liam McIntyre makes his CW-DC Universe debut as Mark Mardon.
Fellow Spartacus alum Liam McIntyre guest stars as the Weather Wizard
If Clyde Mardon's meta-human proficiency was that of a wrecking crew, Mark's is more precise, able to direct all manner of Mother Nature's wrath with the pinpoint accuracy of sniper. First off, I'm so psyched that Clyde Mardon wasn't this series' Weather Wizard, it felt like such a waste to make him a one-trick pony who dies his first time out.
run Barry RUN!!
With Joe in Mark Mardon's crosshairs, Barry's attention is firmly planted on keeping the man who raised him alive. As far as events on the home front, the deception of Harrison Wells begins to unravel, with Iris digging deeper and even causing Barry and Cisco take a second look at a trusted team member, the true identity of Harrison Wells looks to be bubbling up to forefront.
Time travel begins to play a prominent role, going from hypotheticals to actual realization. I won't spoil the specifics, but a lot happens and eventually get reset thanks to some wibbly wobbly time wimey gobble-di-goop.
uh-oh... like I said... a lot happens
Hands down this was one of the most exciting episodes of The Flash yet! All the roads we've run to date are beginning to converge to the season's climax, and with Barry Allen's greatest foe Eobard Thawne on the horizon, all signs point to all out speed-freak war.
dun-dun-duuuuuuun! Eobard Thawne makes himself known....