Arrow "Nanda Parbat" (Catch-up REVIEW)
written by Justin Prince (@prince_justin)
Tonight, Arrow comes back... and hot on the heels of another break. While not as long as the Flash break, it was still hard to wait. But let's catch up on the last episode.
training continues
Thea deeply regrets having Sara's blood on her hands, despite knowing that it was Malcolm Merlyn who put her under the influence of a drug that allowed him to control her actions. After coming clean to Laurel and creating a noticeable rift in the already noticeable rift in Team Arrow, Thea trades Malcolm for safety... and of course Ollie goes full on "save my sister's soul" despite Malcolm deserving every bit of punishment, he doesn't want Thea to be responsible for her biological father's death.
The primary act of the episode takes Ollie and Dig to Nanda Parbat on a mission to rescue Malcolm Merlyn while Felicity devotes her time to Ray Palmer, still working on completing his Atom armor. The episode feels like two heroes trying to be other heroes, I've mentioned before how often it felt like they were "Batman-ing" Green Arrow... with Ray Palmer completing his super suit... it doesn't feel very Ray Palmer to me. Before the season began filming, it was mentioned that originally they planned to have Ted Kord/Blue Beetle be the enterprising industrialist who purchases Queen Consolidated, and with the last episode it feels even more clear that it feels like the writers just copy-and-pasted "Ray Palmer" over any mention of "Ted Kord."
Ray Palmer's "Tony Stark" moment
As far as Batman-ing is concerned, it isn't enough to have one of Batman's greatest villains as the primary baddie for this season, but also certain story elements that are clearly Batman related. Ra's al Ghul makes Oliver a compelling offer... something he's offered to Bruce Wayne before, I'll just leave it at that... but when I first saw that scene I had to just throw my hands up and say "c'mon Arrow, when can we get less Batman in my Green Arrow?" I am a die-hard Batman fan, but until they start opening up Oliver Queen's character more... this episode more than ever made him out to be a poor-man's Bruce Wayne.
what's it gonna be Ollie?
Last season, everything picked up to be epic around this time last year... here's hoping for the same this time...