Flash "The Darkness and the Light" (REVIEW)
Written By Jacob Chimilar (@sweetlows)
This week starts on Earth Two, we find Dr.Wells in charge of his own version of STARR Labs which is also responsible for the meta humans in Central City. He has devised a way to detect these meta humans in the form of a watch that anyone can purchase. There are also apps for phones and tablets, so that you know where metahumans are with whatever gadget you have. Jay Garrick crashes his ceremony announcing the device by telling the audience that he is responsible for the metas and should finally, publicly, own up to it. He has none of it and Jay speeds off.
Back on Earth Prime, Wells begins to help Barry and Team Flash to help stop Zoom from destroying Barry and getting more powerful. This is where the difference between the two Wells lies. Where are Prime Wells WAS the bad guy in Reverse Flash, Earth Two Wells is truly out to stop him, in this case Zoom. After some hesitation, including Joe trying to shoot Wells he gains enough trust to help the crew track down the newest threat sent through by Zoom. Cisco has a vibe of a girl who is called "Dr.Light" on Earth Two robbing a Central City bank. Barry goes after her and he finds out that Dr.Light is in fact his ex-girlfriend Linda Park, in shock he calls her by her name and she herself is freaked out that he knows that and uses her powers to harness star light energy to almost irreversibly blind Barry.
Wells, knowing who Dr.Light is sets out to help the team track her down. This Wells is very direct and seems to not wish to make friends with any one, everyone has their job to do and Wells knows better than any one what exactly is happening, so he appoints himself as major boss man almost immediately, much like Prime Wells, but less soft spoken and more "i'm better than you, do as I say." It's a new take on the character, one that is a welcome change.
Earth Two Wells is not a happy camper
Earlier in the episode Cisco and Barry are having a conversation at CC Jitters when Spivot arrives and not so subtly asks Barry to ask her out. He sort of freezes her out in fear and Cisco shows Barry how its done, by totally striking out with the cashier. Later Barry does as Spivot out and they set their date. However now,at this point blinded, Barry and Spivot go on a literal blind date. Cisco offers to help with sunglasses giving him a live feed of their dinner. It's one of the many cute scenes Barry and Spivot have had this season and the addition of Cisco is always nice. She eventually figures out that he is blind, "I am a detective you know" and they have the rest of the date with Spivot being Barry's guide dog of sorts. they arrive at her car and share a magical kiss, that restores Barry's vision. It may be a bit cheesy and stuff we have seen before but I am totally loving this nerdy couple. Barry found his girl in Spivot and I'm sure glad he did. She is such a wonderful addition to the show and provides that dose of fun love interest the show does well.
Barry's Blind Date
While Barry was on his date, Dr.Light sets out to kill her Earth Prime counterpart. She is hanging out with Iris at Picture News, who not too long before their meeting, was given a gun by Joe to protect herself against Wells, should he turn out to be more of a threat than he is letting on. She shoots Dr.Light, knocking off her mask but not before she accidentally kills Eric Larkin in the process. They take the mask back to the lab and Wells forces Cisco out of hiding as a meta human by using his meta human watch that detected Cisco had powers, in front of everyone. He deduced the reason Cisco knew where to go was that he had some kind of power to do so, so he gets him to try and touch the helmet to trigger a vibe. nothing happens, Wells shoves it at Cisco and the vibe kicks in spots her at the train station. And despite all the help Wells is giving, Jay is none to pleased with Wells and refuses to work with the team if Wells is a part of it. They end up butting heads several times in the episode and eventually Jay leaves completely, leaving the Catlin/Jay romance in the dust.
Cisco's lens flare inducing Vibes
Barry rushes after her and the gang works through how to stop him. Wells being the smartest guy in the room tells Barry to run as fast as he can to create flash after images so she wont know which flash to shoot her light blasts at. It's another cool show off power for Barry who has new tricks all the time it seems. With her taken down the gang goes to CC Jitters again and this time Cisco totally scores the cashier's digits and the gang congratulate him, as well as come up with his meta human nickname, that of course being "Vibe".
All and all another really great episode. Wells is back and better than ever, Cisco is finally an outed meta, Jay is no longer on board so long as Wells is, the Barry/Spivot romance continues to blossom nicely, it's a good time for The Flash and here's hoping for more good times ahead!