The Flash "Flash of Two Worlds" (REVIEW)
Written By Jacob Chimilar (@sweetlows)
Last week left us with The Flash of an alternate Earth, Jay Garrick, entering the Earth Prime of the CD DC Universe. This week it picks up directly after that with Jay explaining how the singularity allowed for him to travel from his world to theirs. With one catch being Jay no longer has the speedforce. It was a great way to bring the multiverse into a TV comic book show and one I am happy to see play out because it opens the door to work in new meta humans and a new main villain organically into the mix to stir up trouble on Earth Prime.
Jay Garrick
At the start of the episode Barry doesn't trust Jay because he has been told wild and outlandish things before by the likes of Harrison "Eobard Thawne" Wells and doesn't want to take that risk. Saying that there is a rip in the fabric of space and time that allowed Jay to come through to Earth Prime is a lot for one person to handle. Instead Barry has Caitlin run a series of tests on Jay to help validate his identity. This lead to some funny moments of Catlin oggling Jay but also revealing through a sneaky lie detector test that what he says he believes to be true. Meanwhile a man named Eddie Slick, AKA Sand Demon, who has the power to break his cells up into a sand like structure is trying to kill Barry on Zoom's orders after Atom Smasher was unsuccessful last episode. He starts a fire in a warehouse building, forcing Barry to stop it. After putting it out Sand Demon attacks Barry and manages to get away; business as usual on this show but hey, why mess with the formula?
Zoom giving his orders
Cisco and Dr.Stein, believing in the possibility of the multiverse attempt to find out exactly where this space time rip is occurring in the city. In addition, Cisco is working on finding out how the Sand Demon's cells work. However doing so brings back his visions, or "vibe," powers and he sees events that had transpired between Him and Barry at the warehouse. This will come in handy later and its clear Cisco wants no part of it.
While that is going on, a new officer joins the CCPD; Patty Spivot (a happy nod for comic fans in the know) is trying to convince Joe to reinstate the meta human task force and allow her to be on the squad. He refuses to do so and she is left to find other ways to win him over. It's clear from the start she is quite intelligent, finding clues and finger prints at the Sand Demon crime scene not even Barry could find and having thorough knowledge of Barry's forensic work despite her enjoyment of being out in the field. Her talents however still fail to impress Joe.
Officer Spivot on the case
Undeterred she manages to go a step further and tracks down Sand Demon and arrests him herself when Joe himself was also trying to track him down. and even though she was faster than he was, he still isn't giving in to her requests. Back at the station they begin to question Sand Demon. He claims that there was no way he started the fire because he would do it with something less obvious like arsenic to cover his tracks. It seems strange that he isn't using his powers to get out of the situation and he claims that if he did have powers he would have used them already. With no solid evidence and no confession they release him but not one minute after he is gone he returns and uses his powers and kidnaps the new officer. This of course is really Earth 2's Sand Demon and not Earth Prime's plain old Eddie Slick that was arrested earlier.
Now it's up to Barry to track him down and bring her back. Jay offers to help defeat him by teaching Barry the ability to create and throw lightning at Sand Demon, causing his body to turn into glass destroying him in the process. Barry reluctantly agrees but they don't know where he is. Lucky for them; Cisco has been getting visions again and this time during an analysis of the Sand Demon's sand particles he is shown the location to be an old warehouse. Sand Demon has Officer Spivot strapped to a concussive bomb designed to immobilize The Flash and kill her in the process. Jay knows that the way sand Demon works is to provide a diversion in order to execute his real plan so Barry and Jay devise their own to stop him. It's a really cool sequence that the show has been known for and pays off wonderfully.
Dr Stein doing the wormhole math
The new officer is freed returns to the station and gets some alone time with Joe. He confronts her on why she wants to be a part of the meta human team. She explains that someone had killed her father and that now he is a meta human which she feels is unjust and wants to bring other meta humans in to keep it from happening again. Joe sympathizes and agrees to start the team back up again with her.
Overall this was another great episode of the flash. Lots of interesting characters, problem solving and unfolding plot points that move the series along in a cool direction that will hopefullylead to an entertaining second season.