Cosplay Wednesday: Storm (Black Panther) from X-Men by Vorel Darastrix Cosplay

Cosplay Wednesday: Storm (Black Panther) from X-Men by Vorel Darastrix Cosplay


Written by Riri (@lillyums)

This week's Cosplay Wednesday features cosplayer, Vorel Darastrix. She has cosplayed as Storm from X-Men, whose outfit is based on the time of Storm's marriage to King T'Challa, the Black Panther of the Avengers.  Her marriage then gave her the title of Queen Ororo of Wakanda.  Storm has had many titles but no matter what she is strong willed and ambitious. Here, Vorel Darastrix shows us her amazing cosplay as Storm and we can see that she also reflect's Storm's strong willed personality really well. 

Interested in submitting to Cosplay Wednesday? Scroll to the end of the post for the link!


Cosplayer: Vorel Darastrix (Facebook)
Cosplay: Storm (Black Panther Version) X-men
Photographer: Elsey Darkheart

1. How long have you been cosplaying?
I have been cosplaying of and on since 2009. It wasn't until 2012 that I started to take cosplay more seriously and do it more often.

2. Why did you choose this cosplay?
I chose Storm because I can really love her character and her drive, I appreciate that she is a strong woman and can fend for herself!

3. How long did it take to complete?
I did it in between my days off, but about 3 weeks.

4. What was the hardest part when constructing it?
The hardest part of constructing this cosplay was the gold lining on the cape, it's more time consuming then anything.

5. What do you love most about this cosplay?
I love the spandex suit. I now understand why people cosplay super heroes/villains, spandex is so comfortable!

6. Are you debuting this at a convention? If you already have, which convention?
I debuted this at Emerald City Comicon 2014

7. What's your next cosplay project?
My next cosplay project is the manga version of Sailor Pluto! I have a pretty good sized Sailor Moon group getting ready for Sakura-con!

Excellent! Can't wait to see your Sailor Pluto cosplay!


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