Giving the PDX A Shot of G33K
written by Justin Prince (@prince_justin)
A year later, a year older, same old geek. The statement holds true not just for us but also for the aforementioned convention. Rose City Comic Con made it to another year, as did Lifted Geek. RCCC is a new fan/pop culture convention, last year they merged with fellow Pacific Northwest convention Emerald City Comicon (here in Seattle) and judging on the fan response and the overall organization of the show, it was all for the better.
RCCC also holds a special place in our yearly schedule, this con also always falls on my birthday. Seems fitting, I can’t imagine a better way to spend my birthday than to nerd out with my favorite people.
Much like last year, the show floor was well laid out with everything from established comic book artists, cosplayers, to vendors selling all manner of geeky goods. Artists were set up at one end of the convention center, allowing fans to have that one stop shop to find any artists that they were looking to meet. Our coverage of the convention was kept mostly to the hall, I popped in and out of a few panels… but other than the Whovian panel moderated by Tony “@Crazy4ComicCon” Kim, I didn’t get a chance to pop into many panels. Much of this I can chalk up to the con only being two days. I’m hoping that in the coming years Rose City Comic Con can level up to a 3-day fan convention. While they do have some competition with Wizard World’s Portland Comic Con in January… I have very high hopes for Rose City Comic Con.
RULE 63 FTW: PRINCE does a male Ramona Flowers and Geekgasm's Lillian does a femme Penguin
Off to work! We shot an episode of our ongoing news show, Lifted Geek News, on location on the RCCC show floor, and have two other videos coming to you soon! A feature on the coolest group of makeup gurus this side of Alderaan, the ladies of Espionage Cosmetics… and an exclusive interview with the super talented costumer Jesse Lagers.
RIRI interviews the super talented Jesse Lagers
We got in a little bit late in the day on Saturday, call it us trying to save a few coins on the hotel by only staying one night. That evening we made it out to the Fish and Chips Shack to celebrate my birthday and also catch the newest episode of Doctor Who. I can’t imagine a better way to spend getting older than by geeking out and being with the people I care about… plus the Doctor.
Sunday I met Tim Seeley, one of the writers of the Batman Eternal weekly comic series. Got his autograph which was pretty much the only artists I was looking forward to seeing.
I’ve been loving this convention, it’s no wonder I make it a point to come each year. I’m already planning next year’s show and this time I plan to spend more time in Portland… perhaps I’ll drive in the day before so I can get to the convention center bright and early in the morning. Cosplay at the con was once again a huge draw, folks poured in dressed in all manner of superhero or mythical creature. Whether caped crusader or giant robot, whatever it is you are in to I’m sure you’d find it at RCCC.
The weekend was over as fast as it came, seeing some of our cosplay buddies like Ani-Mia, Miss Sinister, and Jesse “Midnight Armor” Lagers was the highlight of our show. Seeing our friends and just nerding out with our fellow congoers is why we do what we do. I’ll be looking forward to next year and can’t wait until we can hit the PDX with our G33K… maybe that last statement sounds oddly off...