All tagged toys

Everfree NW 2013: Artist Alley Highlights

One of my most favorite things to look forward to at any convention is visiting the artist alley.  Artists come to sell remarkable merchandise that they have designed and created for the fans.  As a fellow crocheter and crafter, I obviously have a huge appreciation for these artists and I got the chance to speak to a few of my personal favorite artists of the convention and hopefully with this article, we can help promote their work and follow them!


Review: Gorgeous Ultimate Madoka Magica Figma

Alright! My first figma from Max Factory, the Ultimate Madoka Magica.  From the previews  before pre-order, she definitely appeared larger so when she came in, she was smaller than I had expected.  But that's fine, a very well built and beautiful figurine otherwise.  

Unboxing: Nendoroid Sakura Hatsune Miku

Here we go with another post about Riri and her toy obsession.  I don't really follow Hatsune Miku all that much, but I saw this nendoroid of her and I thought I absolutely had to have her.  I have this attraction towards pink... and Sakura flowers. They are so beautiful, I love how she looks with this outfit! 


Nendoroid Iron Man Mark 7: Hero's Edition

Uh oh, Riri's recent splurge has arrived! SCHHWEEEETTT! Nendoroid Iron Man Mark 7 came in from Good Smile Co.  Doesn't he look cute? And anime-ish ? :) It was on preorder since like the age of time seriously...But that's just what preorders are! This is part of the Hero's Edition line, though i'm not totally sure if they will release more heroes, but that would be pretty geektastic if they did. ...