cos(WED): Marceline (Adventure Time) by Trixal

cos(WED): Marceline (Adventure Time) by Trixal

This week's Cosplay Wednesday welcomes cosplayer, Trixal! She shows off her Marceline cosplay from Adventure Time.   Marceline is a millenium year old half demon - half vampire Vampire Queen, and is one of Finn and Jake's closest friends.  As the reference picture suggests, she is a wild rocker girl! She is fearless, but has a passion for travel. She may appear evil from her "evil plans" but is actually just mischievous, fun, and a prankster.  We love how Trixal portray this Vampire Queen! Check out how she did it!

Cosplayer: Trixal (FB)
Cosplay: Marceline the Vampire Queen
Series: Adventure Time
Photographer: Lew Spangler

1. How long have you been cosplaying?
I had my first cosplay (Marceline) planned and worked on an entire year before I cosplayed. Weight was a huge factor as confidence is not one of my strong points. I wore the entire ensemble roughly back in June of this that's about 5 months now since I'd consider myself a full blown cosplayer.

2. Why did you choose to cosplay this character?
First off, I adore Adventure Time and she's my favorite character from the whole series. I loved their unique take on vampires in which they eat the color red rather than blood. I also love how she's a songstress and plays guitar. The songs in the series are one of the biggest things that makes it so enjoyable, and she's a major contributer.
Secondly, difficulty level. I couldn't sew and I am only mildly artistic and crafty, so I chose something that would not be entirely too difficult for a noob.

3. How long did it take you to complete?
Well all in all, it would have taken maybe a month or so, but like I said, I stretched out that time frame in about a year.

4. Any difficulties when constructing the costume?
I'd imagine there's always some. The axe was a challenge. I went in with only vague ideas of what to do. I'd have to say once cut out, shaping it just right was a bit tedious. Had to make some pieces over. I encountered issues with what type of glue to use. Trying to keep the tuners on was ridiculously frustrating. From glue melting the foam, to them being knocked off, to having to remake them numerous times because cats would take off with them and they went missing. I also had also tough time coloring my skin. I originally tried mixing black and white snazaroo together....that did not work. I finally thought to oder the light grey online instead of relying on hobby stores. The wig is in despair. I put some major TLC on it, but it's beyond repair now and needs to be replaced.

5. What do you love most about cosplaying this character?
The reactions I get as far as how smooth I manage to get the paint down. So many people appreciate the extra steps taken to make the character come to life, like the axe. It's not only being someone's favorite character, it's playing the part so well that it looks and feels like I've crawled out of the TV and now free to harass reality.

6. Where did you debut this costume? If you haven't... where do you plan to debut?
I debuted Marceline at my first con this year. I went to Zenkaikon in Lancaster. Had a blast, and definitely plan to go back.

7. What's next? Cosplay related of course...
I'm currently working on Chrysalis from My Little Pony and Rise's Shadow from Persona 4. I applied for Cosplay Deviants, and will be sending off my first set to see if I'm accepted soon. This is more for me than anyone else and I understand that some people don't agree with it...I just like to remind others I would never insist on them changing their lives to appease me so I'd like the same. I also have plans to attend more cons next year and do lots of more photo shoots. Just keep having fun with it. That's what cosplay is all about.

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