Seeing the cracks in her brick wall come through talking to a reported and priest were nice but beyond that it all felt too distant
Seeing the cracks in her brick wall come through talking to a reported and priest were nice but beyond that it all felt too distant
It is like a rich dense chocolate brownie with ice cream, you can only hand so much at a time but you keep coming back for more.
Ten years... it has been ten years since we received the very first look into the world Final Fantasy XV... Singin' in The Rain with more modern tone and film techniques to elevate itself into its own art form
I read all of the comics and I don’t particularly see the problems that many others see.
When it comes to feel good animated movies you will most likely see with your family...
What this film had going for it was its sets, costumes, incredible (model looking) CGI, one particular scene with Darth Vader, and some decent humour.
It’s time for the CW to go on break, and with that comes the Arrowverse and their midseason finales...