DC Animated films takes an interesting stroll down an Elsworlds path in Batman: Gotham by Gaslight...
All in the Scoop
DC Animated films takes an interesting stroll down an Elsworlds path in Batman: Gotham by Gaslight...
Much like the 2013 videogame of the same name, Tomb Raider follows a young Lara Croft as she faces some insurmountable odds...
The culture is full of mythology that is unlike anything Marvel has put out
There was a shocking twist during the Super Bowl and it had nothing to do with the game. The long pushed back and no firm dated third Cloverfield film...
the switch to Netflix has traded pitch black themes for lighter but none the less interesting topics
The idea of a mute person finding the love of their life in a creature is one you don't see every day
some of the best scenes involved the breakdown of poker scenes as they played out.