Arrow "Code of Silence" (REVIEW)
Written By Jacob Chimilar (@sweetlows)
I actually don't think it's fair to do the 1000 word plus run down I normally do on this episode since not much went on. There was a few noteworthy moments however so it's time for a slightly abbreviated version of my typical review. Let's get to it!
Ruve Adams, Darhk's off the books wife has a debate coming up between her and Oliver but she has plans to quite literally bury the competition by having the theatre they will be debating in brought to the ground by demolition experts who have been employed by H.I.V.E., Felicity finds out about it and Team Arrow sets off the fire alarms to evacuate the building and start the take down of the people setting up the explosives around the venue. There was some decent combat and arrow shooting as per usual and do a quick change while everything gets reset for the debate. Ollie give a “nice try” to Ruve and the debate begins. Cut to the TV coverage and it appears as though Oliver wiped the floor with Ruve, good on ya Ollie!
Victory Jump for Team Arrow!
Lance and Felcity's mom Donna are on the rocks as Lance tries to distance himself from her to avoid any Darhk entanglements. She being the type to have been burned by lies before calls the whole thing off. She tries to feel better by planning an engagement party for Oliver and Felicity and Felicity steps in and helps push them back together and Lance tells her the truth. Oh love you fickle thing!
She ain't too pleased
Curtis behind the scenes has been being the amazing man he has always proven to be. At the party he presents to Felicity a chip he created that along with the newly created Palmer tech battery could allow Felicity to walk again presumably for the rest of her life. This moment actually had me choked up a little bit because it is such a momentous gift to give to someone and both Oliver and Felicity thank him most sincerely. I really liked this scene, it was a good character moment and proved once again that Curtis is the real hero.
Curtis, You Da Real MVP!
The island saw Oliver being push further into the plans of Reiter in finding the mystical object he has been hunting for. I personally am not a big fan of how long this story is taking. Like ive said before, a one episode and done thing would work just fine. Also Reiter creeps me out. Meanwhile to prove his loyalty to Reiter he enagages in a fight with Conklin and stabs him to death. Poor Oliver, he really can't catch a break when it comes to killing, but it seems as though Reiter will kill everyone who stands in his way and even though we know he comes out of it alive, presumably Oliver is on that list as soon as he no longer proves to be useful.
Mess with a future superhero and you get stabbed!
Finally we see Darhk following through on Malcolm's intel about William, taking him into his own home to hang out with his own kid. Darhk now has another bargaining chip he can use against Oliver. It seems winning debates and dismantling bombs aren't going to be enough to be mayor of Star City, you have to save your secret child from your arch enemy too. Two steps forward, one step back for our boy in green.
"Family Bonding" at its worst!
Well that's about it for Arrow this week! This was a slow building episode that was sorta generic, half measures to take down Oliver and Company, and we know it takes a lot more than half measures to keep a good guy down. I would have liked to see the debate play out at least a little to see that battle of wits but i suppose its really all a smoke screen for the true battle that happened behind the scenes that reenforced the fact that Team Arrow is a force to be reckoned with, both in the light and the shadows. You can't take Star City without a fight, Oliver makes sure of it.
Bonus fact: The location used for the debate was as it says as they are outside the building Vogue Theatre in Vancouver for those interested! It's sort of strange but with lots of shows filming in Vancouver, Flash, X Files, Deadpool it feels like all these crazy events FBI agents and superheroes are fighting crime around where I live and I never see them!
I featured it before but, it's nice to see Vancouver here and there in these shows so if you missed it last time here is a video about it from Every Frame a Painting who is a local boy himself!