Bloody Mary (The Wolf Among Us) by BockiBear

Bloody Mary (The Wolf Among Us) by BockiBear

Written by Riri (@lillyums)

Welcome to our Cosplay Wednesday highlight this week, featuring Seattle cosplayer, BockiBear!  She is here to showcase her Bloody Mary cosplay from the game developed by Telltale Games, The Wolf Among Us,  based on Bill Willingham's Fables comic book series.  I haven't played any games by Telltale Games, but I've heard great things about their episodic interactive games. Bloody Mary is a character introduced into the 3rd episode - a powerful intelligent fighter, but an absolute sadist with no moral qualms.  Check out how BockiBear cosplayed Bloody Mary!

Cosplayer: Bockibear (FB, Tumblr)
Cosplay: Bloody Mary from The Wolf Among Us
Photographers: Tom Quah (FB)
Reese Kato (FB)

How long have you been cosplaying?
I have been cosplaying for about six years now.

Why did you choose to cosplay this character?
I played The Wolf Among Us and got to the last episode, where Bigby fights Bloody Mary. I played that part and loved her look every single second. I usually cosplay pretty or cute characters. It was nice to cosplay outside my norm.

How long did it take you to complete?
Not as long as past project, like my Blood Elf Paladin from WoW last year. It probably took about a month to create. This included the cell shading painting on the clothing, the glass shard creation, makeup testing, and blood making.

Any difficulties when constructing the costume?
The only real difficulty was making sure the glass shards stayed attached. I have not done much with makeup so this was definitely a learning experience for me.

What do you love most about cosplaying this character?
Her attitude. She has the badass villain attitude that says, "Go ahead, try to fight me!" I definitely tried to harness that when posing.

Where did you debut this costume? If you haven't... where do you plan to debut?
It was debuted at Kawaii Kon 2015 in Honolulu, HI.

What's next? Cosplay related of course...
I'm planning a Dragonair gijinka from Pokemon for Honolulu Comic Con 2015 and a Garen and Katarina build from League of Legends for my husband and I for next year.

Good job on cosplaying outside your norm! It changes things up a bit doesn't it? Looking forward to seeing more cosplay from BockiBear!

Interested in a chance to be featured on Cosplay Wednesday? Click below for the submission details.

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