One year & counting...

One year & counting...


written by Justin Prince (@prince_justin) and RIRI (@lillyums

Hey guys, guess what? It's our birthday... officially our birthday! One year ago today was when we launched this little corner of the web! This isn't really an article but I wanted to share with you guys an open letter from us... your faithful and friendly navigators in g33k, PRINCE and RIRI. 


Hello everyg33k, RIRI here! Wow, has it really been a year since Lifted Geek was launched? In 2005, the only convention I was attending was Sakura Con and I attended it yearly until 2010 when I started to add a couple more conventions to my annual schedule. Since Lifted Geek launched in 2012, the numbers of conventions I have attended has doubled.  As we continued to provide coverage and content for our fans, Lifted Geek grew and grew and 9 months later, we were finally approved as media for ScrewAttack Gaming Convention.  This means that we had experienced a lot of rejection prior to this and clearly, none of that let us down; we kept going.  Everything we have done up to this point, we have invested so much time and money and work, but in the end it has been the most rewarding experience. We started off with big dreams for Lifted Geek and have come a long way to get to where we are today, which would not have been accomplished without the support of all of you, and I can’t thank you enough. You g33ks are so awesome, and I love you all!


Sup g33ks! It’s ya boy Justin Prince. It feels like only yesterday I was at the Nerdist/Geek & Sundry panel at SDCC 2012 when the inspiration hit me to do something with my geekiness. I turned to my friend Lillian (you folks all know her as Riri) to be my co-pilot on this ride. It’s been quite a year. We’ve seen the website redesigned twice since the original launch, each design taking cues from existing blogs as far as navigation and delivery of content is concerned. We’ve kept a close ear to the nerdy beat with our Facebook page as well as our Instagram. We feel like our identity is always evolving and as we take our steps into year two I wanted to sincerely thank each and every one of you for making this an unforgettable year. Our following has grown exponentially from the few hundred who followed us fervently (and still do… I know who you folks are) to hitting the thousand+ mark. We really appreciate everyone who has been a contributor, our friends who constantly spoke very highly of us, to each and every time you “like” one of our articles or comment on one of our photos. Our success is linked directly to you and we surely have not forgotten that. We’ve got a few more new projects on the horizon and as we gear up for year two, we will be redesigning the website again for version 4.0 (coming right around the Friday we host our birthday party!). You guys make this possible; Lifted Geek would be nothing more than an idea if it weren’t for you. You give us the definition of who we are and what we want to accomplish, we are Lifted Geek… the above average blog for the above average geek. I know you hear us say “get lifted” after many a post or video, it’s more than just a hope to impart the ideal of uplifting yourselves. We ask you to get lifted because we soar higher with you as our support, one might say you are the wind beneath our wings, I love you guys… you are all so very dear to me… cue happy tears and ugly crying face.


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