Gina and Chris chats about their experience at HawaiiCon on the Big Island, Hawaii.
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Gina and Chris chats about their experience at HawaiiCon on the Big Island, Hawaii.
I had wanted to attend Anime Revolution for 2 years because of all the great things I've heard about it from my friends. Finally, this year, I made it to Vancouver, B.C. to attend my first AniRevo....
This year at Anime Revolution, I had the esteemed pleasure to meet Tiffany at her booth...
PAX is upon us, this weekend will see droves of gaming enthusiasts, cosplayers, and the slightly overwhelmed parents...
While many of our followers are mostly USA based, we have been expanding our reach out to cosplayers overseas, including Europe and Asia...
I decided to go to Anime Expo (AX) for the first time ever this year! I ended up going since San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) was going to be the weekend after - and that's just one round trip plane ticket and two conventions!
Since Anime Matsuri Hawaii is coming to my local scene later this year, I decided to check out their home state con in Houston, Texas during the weekend of April 3-5 at the George R. Brown convention center...
It’s been a little over a month since I attended Wondercon Anaheim 2015, so I have had plenty of time to reflect...
My small local anime convention isn't quite as small any more now that it had hit over 10,000 attendees...