Jumping in to Mass Effect Andromeda, the story revolves around the Andromeda Initiative and their 600-year journey...
All tagged mass effect
Jumping in to Mass Effect Andromeda, the story revolves around the Andromeda Initiative and their 600-year journey...
With Mass Effect Andromeda just getting released, we at Lifted Geek wanted to run through the original trilogy...
As many of my friends and family already know, one of my favorite games series of all time is the Mass Effect trilogy...
It’s the moment of truth. The story mode in the game you are playing is twenty hours deep and you have just reached the part where you are given a cataclysmic decision. Either you kill the enemy, save them or arrest them...
E3 kicks off now, but before I get into obsessing over the live tweets and streams, I figured I’d share a quick little top 5 for the Pixel Rated crowd...