I had wanted to attend Anime Revolution for 2 years because of all the great things I've heard about it from my friends. Finally, this year, I made it to Vancouver, B.C. to attend my first AniRevo....
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I had wanted to attend Anime Revolution for 2 years because of all the great things I've heard about it from my friends. Finally, this year, I made it to Vancouver, B.C. to attend my first AniRevo....
I decided to go to Anime Expo (AX) for the first time ever this year! I ended up going since San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) was going to be the weekend after - and that's just one round trip plane ticket and two conventions!
Tis the season for Dasher and Dancer, Love Actually and Home Alone making the TBS rounds...
My local Hawaii con, Kawaii Kon’s (KK) 10th year had an initial attendance estimate of around 8,500! It is hard to believe it has been 10 years since my first foray into conventions and costuming…